Have you struggled over this last year with knowing where to spend or save your money? Have you stuck to your budget or has it gone out the window?
I am super excited to share this episode with you! Katy Almstrom is a Money Coach who helps women manage their finances and helps them create budgets that work for their families. In this episode, we chat about:
> How to map out your budget and prioritize your money
> How to talk about money with your spouse
> Budget tips and tricks to help you get started
Katy is a financial coach, a teacher and a speaker and she works with driven women who are ready to pay off their debt and create a sustainable future that includes simple strategies so they can reach their goals and live out their dreams. With over a decade of experience in teaching and coaching combined with her own debt-free journey and simplified life, Katy provides a unique service for her clients to help them slow down, map out their own debt-free journey, and create a life that has WAY less stress around money.
More Info About Katy:
Katy is offering a free 60-minute cash flow strategy session where we map out what you should focus on with your money right now!
Set up a call: www.calendly.com/almstromcoaching/60min
Suggested budgeting app - Every Dollar (www.everydollar.com)
Info about Haili:
Do you or someone you know want to start a podcast?? Spots are open again for my Podcast Power Launch Package which is a 4 week process to help you launch your podcast and I help you every step of the way! If you are interested, fill out an application here: https://hello666346.typeform.com/to/HaFgPN
If you want to meet other legit moms, come join the Legit Motherhood Community Facebook Group!
Want to see all things legit and the latest updates? Head over to Instagram and follow me@hailimurch
Podcast Manager Course:
Want to start a side hustle to help make some additional income for your family?! I've been working with podcasters for 2 years and just released a new course called How to Become a Podcast Manager Course to help women learn to do the same! Check out the course at this link: haili-murch-llc.teachable.com/p/how-to-become-a-podcast-manager