We do a lot as moms. We really do. But what about dad? He does a lot too but how does he feel about fatherhood and his role as dad? This week I wanted to get a different perspective and we are talking to the one and only Wes, my man! Haha In this short but sweet episode, we ask Wes some questions about how he sees fatherhood and parenting! It’s a good reminder that it isn’t easy for dad either and that he is trying. Take a listen!
Want to be featured on the podcast?? I am looking for moms to send me a 1 minute or less audio clip of them talking about a legit motherhood moment! Send me a clip of a funny moment or cute memory or any legit mom moment you want to share!
Email it to hello@hailimurch.com
Info about Haili:
Have podcast topic suggestions for 2021? Come find me on IG or email me at hello@hailimurch.com
If you want to meet other legit moms, come join the Legit Motherhood Community Facebook Group!
Want to see all things legit and the latest updates? Head over to Instagram and follow me @hailimurch
Podcast Manager Course:
Want to start a side hustle to help make some additional income for your family?! I've been working with podcasters for 2 years and just released a new course called How to Become a Podcast Manager Course to help women learn to do the same! Check out the course at this link: haili-murch-llc.teachable.com/p/how-to-become-a-podcast-manager