I tried a thing a year ago…
I created a coaching program to help moms get organized with their time and in their home. Although it was a fun venture and I was able to help some moms make some big changes, it wasn’t the right time for me to venture that direction in my business and the project fizzled.
It was almost ironic that as this project fizzled out, because my podcast management business doubled and then the pandemic hit. When the pandemic hit, like most of us, I was scrambling to survive. We were quarantined and then the regulations went back and forth about what we could and couldn’t do. It was an unpredictable time, and still is in a way, and my organization went to crap.
I wasn’t very organized. I was almost scared to plan ahead because who knew what the next day was going to hold! So I stopped talking on social media about being organized and schedules and routines because quite frankly, I wasn’t doing it myself! But I gave myself the grace that it didn’t have to be super routine right now. That no one knows how to navigate a pandemic and keeping my family safe and healthy were the most important things I could do.
It’s now been about 6 months and I’m feeling the effects of letting some of my organization go. And although I have still let a lot go right now, as far as what’s high priority and what isn’t, I discovered there are 3 simple ways to get organized, even during a pandemic that have helped me get back into my groove!
Check out this episode if you are feeling the same. Take a listen to hear the 3 ways you can get organized during a pandemic and go from hot mess to less mess.
Do you feel like your organization has increased, decreased or stayed the same during the pandemic?? Comment below with a thumbs up, thumbs down or a smiley face if it stayed the same!
Haili Info:
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Want to see my legit mom life on the daily? You can find me on Instagram @hailimurch
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